Preventing Hearing Loss Related Falls
Data abounds that links hearing loss and falling – it’s no longer a secret. Fortunately, most falls can be prevented. Taking steps to prevent these falls is the number one thing that you can do to keep yourself or your loved one safe in the home.
Falling Risk and Hearing Loss
All audiologists are aware of the correlation between hearing loss and a risk of falls, but two fairly recent studies help to back this up..
In one study, researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that people with only a 25 dB hearing loss (considered mild), were nearly three times more likely to have a history of falling, even when adjusting for other factors, such as age and vestibular function. The same study showed that as hearing loss increased beyond the 25 dB loss, so did the chances of falling.
Another study from Washington University in St. Louis showed that patients with hearing aids in both ears performed better on balance tests when their hearing aids were ON compared with when they were OFF.
Hearing Testing – Simple, But effective
Reports from the NIH indicate that nearly 47% of Americans 75 years of age and older suffer from some form of hearing loss. That may sound like a daunting figure, but the vast majority of people with impaired hearing can be treated. A quick hearing test from Elkhart Audiology is easy, and most of those affected will benefit from some form of hearing assisted device – like hearing aids.
The simplest and most easy way to find out if you, your spouse, or a family member is affected, is to have a hearing test done. This simple test is easy, painless, and only takes an hour or so. Just call Sharon, your local hearing expert.
It’s time to invest in a comprehensive hearing evaluation. Get the results and explanation you deserve – so much more than the free test offered by many retailers.
Hearing Aids And Fall Prevention
Now that you have been tested, and settled upon a hearing aid or other assistive advice – wear them! Not only has performance increased dramatically, but hearing aids continue to become smaller and more affordable than ever. Any stigma that existed in the past is largely gone, battery life has improved, and you’ll likely not even realize you’re wearing them, once the adjustment period has passed.
No assistive device is able to return your hearing to perfection, but Elkhart Audiology Rehab is your best bet to make sure it is functioning, has been correctly fitted, and that you have been trained in the use and care of the device. If you’re not already receiving that sort of service, call Sharon now.
Elkhart Audiology Rehab serves the entire Elkhart County area and beyond. Call (574) 262-3277 to learn more or set up an appointment.