Exterior of Elkhart Audiology Office

If you’re experiencing problems with your hearing, visit us at our Audiology office in Elkhart.

New Product Upgrades Offer More Options

I had the opportunity to spend some time in Miami for a training session with Signia, one of our top providers of exceptional hearing aids.  It was a beautiful location to learn about the new Signia Pure Charge&Go model, a rechargeable hearing aid which offers the only platform that improves the way your own voice is processed.

I had the opportunity to test the product both in the exhibit hall and when I went out to dinner. The natural sound quality and unrivaled speech intelligibility was a game changer in both environments. 

These remarkable improvements have developed at a rapid rate, with Phonak and ReSound also releasing product upgrades in the last 6 months.

To experience this new technology for yourself, give Deb a call. She’ll set up a free demonstration—just for you!

Audiologist Sharon Hirstein poses with her certificates

Audiologist Sharon Hirstein poses with her certifications.

Hearing Aid  Quality—Counting the Cost

Pricing on hearing devices varies widely, which can make considering hearing aids a bit scary.  There are many reasons for this, including the vast range of assorted brands and types of technology. Some may be described as affordable, but offer outdated technology from an older chip-set. Others considered to be advanced due to their “current technology” provide fewer features and less in speech intelligibility than the best the industry has to offer. We have even seen some devices labeled as “premium” that were built no less than 3 years ago!

Insurance companies like United Health and Humana offer 1 or 2 private-labeled units that include good technology, but are far from being “cutting edge.” Plus, they don’t reimburse providers for comprehensive fitting protocols, which is why we have decided not to participate in their program at this time. Some insurances even encourage mail-order systems that avoid help from a local provider’s expertise altogether…such a sad situation!

YOU deserve better than the minimum.

Helping You Find Products that are Worth the Price

We’re here to be your expert, local solution, here to serve you 5 days a week. If you are on a tight budget, ask how we can help. We have options.

At Elkhart Audiology Rehab, we generally do provide cutting edge technology.  We train on advancements several times a year to be sure you are getting the most from the products you purchase. In addition, we offer a standard of care that meets BEST PRACTICE standards including speech in noise testing and real ear measures.

When you’re under our care, we can re-evaluate hearing aids you purchased from us or elsewhere with our real ear equipment and recommend modifications to current hearing aids rather than always pushing something new. That’s why we encourage regular check-ups. They help prevent break-downs, but they also allow us to maximize your benefit. If you bring a spouse, friend, or family member to your service appointment, we’ll get them involved too! It’s all part of rehabilitating your communication skills so you can get back to enjoying life the way you are meant to.

Another way we can provide a better client experience is through TeleCare. These adjustments are conducted through a manufacture-specific APP on a Smart Phone.

Why use a remote adjustment? In short, it’s about flexibility. You might move or travel to a different area, you might experience a change in your hearing after being ill, or you could need a new program for a specific listening situation.

While we still need to see your ears to check for any medical concerns and need to see your hearing devices for a thorough cleaning and verification of performance, in some instances, we can now address your hearing concerns while you are in the comfort of your own home!

The Audiology Difference

Did you know most audiologists are employed in a medical setting or private practice setting?  It is because our education and training are specific to hearing and balance. Plus, it’s related to your overall health! We offer so much more than products for sale. We educate, advocate, and support you in the treatment of your overall hearing health issues.

What to Expect

Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation

At Elkhart Audiology Rehab, our diagnostic hearing evaluations are recognized by your physician and your insurance as being part of your health record. Therefore, we charge for this service. This test battery is different than a single test for the purpose of fitting a hearing aid, which is often offered for free.


We offer Hearing Aid Consultations in our office free of charge. During this consultation, we discuss hearing aid technology levels, styles, how they work and some features that might be helpful based on your needs. In addition, we’re often able to demonstrate how they sound.

Hearing Aid Selection

At a Hearing Aid Selection, we measure for uncomfortable volume levels, test for speech understanding in noise, and identify treatment goals. Once this is complete, we’ll send you a written estimate of your specific product recommendation and the services covered in your fitting and follow up. A Hearing Aid Selection has a $100 charge, which covers my testing time and expertise in finding a targeted solution for your goals and needs.

Our Process

All of our products and services are consistent, itemized, and transparent. Our results and recommendations are transferable as part of your health records and we always provide your physician with a copy of your most recent hearing evaluation. Better communication between your health providers ensure the best health outcomes.

Break Barriers to Better Living

Did you know individuals with hearing loss wait five to seven years before seeking treatment?  Many individuals don’t know what to expect and some can even be fearful of that first appointment. YOU can help reduce their fear and anxiety by sharing your success story. 

That’s why we encourage you to take the Loyal Listener Card. As you show off the discreet, unobtrusive look of your hearing devices, you can pass on where you got them. That way, your friends and family can receive our full test battery, amplification selection based on listening needs, and a total solution focused on their individual situation, just like you did.

If you don’t have a Loyal Listener Card, let us know.  Follow our Facebook Page for hearing tips, cartoons, and special messages, and be sure to share any information you find valuable.

Favorite sound board in the Elkhart Audiology office

Make Our Day

It is SO special when YOU share how you’ve been able to reconnect with the people and sounds around you. It is the best part of our day when you share how you can smile more and stress less; hear the grandkids; appreciate the birds; enjoy the card game; or not have to ask a co-worker to repeat themselves. Please don’t be shy when we ask you about your favorite sound, we really want to know!

Ready for Your Next Appointment? Give Us a Call!

Service Hours Address:

Monday: 1 PM to 6 PM 663 CR 17, Ste. 1

Tuesday: 8 AM to 4:30 PM Elkhart, IN 46516

Wednesday: 8 AM to 4:30 PM

Thursday 8 AM to 6 PM Phone:

Friday 8 AM to Noon 574-262-3277

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