Tips for the Holiday Season
Season's Greetings! We wish you and your families cherished moments this holiday season! Elkhart Audiology Rehab is here to help you make the most of these moments with any last minute fittings, repairs and adjustments. We've put together the following tips for the...
What’s New at Elkhart Audiology?
New Product Upgrades Offer More Options I had the opportunity to spend some time in Miami for a training session with Signia, one of our top providers of exceptional hearing aids. It was a beautiful location to learn about the new Signia Pure Charge&Go model, a...
What Your Hearing Loss may be telling you about your Heart Health
Low-Frequency Hearing Loss often connects to serious heart-health issues. There may be 16-24 inches between your heart and your ears, but the health of each is closely related. The Global Siemens Headquarters shared studies which said that patients who experienced...
November EAR Newsletter
Enjoy the Fall 2017 Newsletter! Or to view the entire newsletter in a PDF, click here.
Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline
Is there a connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline? Several studies have indicated that there is a connection between hearing loss, brain function decline, and loss of brain tissue. Brain “shrinkage” occurs as a natural part of aging, but older adults...
Hearing Loss and Falling
Preventing Hearing Loss Related Falls Data abounds that links hearing loss and falling - it's no longer a secret. Fortunately, most falls can be prevented. Taking steps to prevent these falls is the number one thing that you can do to keep yourself or your loved one...
Sounding Board, Summer Edition Now Available
Get the latest edition of our newsletter, Sounding Board.
Hearing Safety
June is National Safety Month. One often-overlooked component of personal safety is the care we can give to our hearing. The work life and lifestyle choices of your patients will have an impact on hearing health. The good news is that you are likely already aware...
Cancer Treatments and Hearing Loss
Ototoxicity: damage to the hearing or balance functions of the ear by drugs or chemicals. Here’s what you and your cancer patients need to know.
March for Kidneys!
From a medical perspective, March is National Kidney Month and March 14 is World Kidney Day. The National Kidney Foundation has numerous activities planned. But you might be wondering: “What has this got to do with hearing and auditory health?
Latest Posts
The Rebels at EAR!
The Rebels at EAR! Your team at Elkhart Audiology Rehab are Rebels! We fight against poor information, poor service, and the disappointment from poorly fit or poorly prescribed products. How do we do it? By building relationships with you! Asking questions to...
Fall Newsletter 2022
EAR on a Mission! 574-262-3277 Fall, 2022 Awareness is the first step in any journey... You don’t know what you don’t know...but once you know, you can do better. Once you havemastered the information, you can help others. If you have been to Elkhart Audiology...