Heart for Hearing!

Heart for Hearing!

Heart for Hearing! Many think of Valentine’s Day when they think of February. The Team at Elkhart Audiology Rehab (your EAR team) think about how heart health is essential for good hearing, and how being able to hear our friends and family touches our heart and soul!...


Reflection. . . The end of our calendar year often brings a time of reflection and celebration. As you look back on this last year, can you list 3 things for which you are thankful? Maybe it was a shared meal with family; listening to a grandchild’s excitement over a...
Audiology Best Practices

Audiology Best Practices

Audiology Best Practices As the picture implies there are hidden aspects to hearing loss. The obvious part of missing out on meaningful conversations is just the tip of the iceberg. When you come to our office, we are diligent to explore the big picture with you...
What Does Independence Mean To You?

What Does Independence Mean To You?

What Does Independence Mean To You? Our Country celebrated its 245th Anniversary in July. Our forefathers fought so we would have the right to act, speak and think without being constrained by government. Freedom has brought opportunities, but it has also meant taking...